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Q. What internet browsers do you suggest for your platform?

A. FNvirtual works best in Chrome, Safari, Brave, and Firefox. To ensure you have a fast, safe, and secure internet experience, please verify your preferred browser is up to date.

Q. What is an FNid?

A. Your FNid is a set of credentials that authenticates you as a user of the FNvirtual Event Platform. When you create your FNid, you enter basic info about yourself and create a password to protect your info. You will use your FNid to access all FNvirtual Events.

  • You may also use a social login or request a one-time-use authorization code to be sent to your email. If you are registered for an event, please use the same email on your ticket in order to log in. 

Q. I created my FNid; why do I need to register for the event as well?

A. Creating an FNid and registering/purchasing an event ticket are two different things.

  • Think of your FNid like a virtual ID card. These credentials tell the system you are you and permit access to FNvirtual registered events. (On the day of the event, you will simply log in with your FNid credentials; the system will know if you purchased an event ticket because it will be linked to your FNid.)
  • When you register/purchase an event ticket, you are gaining access to the event itself. Just like you would not be permitted entry to an in-person event without your printed badge, you will not be allowed to enter an FNvirtual event without a valid virtual ticket to that specific event. This step must be completed prior to attending each event.
  • Please use the same email address for each event by signing into your FNid account during the registration process.
  • You may also use a social login or request a one-time-use authorization code to be sent to your email. If you are registered for an event, please use the same email on your ticket in order to log in. 

Q. Why am I being asked to allow the Virtual Event app to access my information after I log in for the first time?

A. In accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidelines, the website is providing details on how it may use your information. This is standard industry practice. You will only need to accept this set of permissions once.

Q. Who will see the information in my FNid?

A. Your basic FNid information will become your attendee profile.

  • The information you provide in your FNid will be shared with the event host and may be shared with select event sponsors, depending on the event’s opt-in policy. Please reach out to the event’s management team for more information.

Q. I forgot my FNid login/password. What do I do now?

A. Please visit this page.

  • Type in your email address (whichever one you used to create your FNid). 
  • Choose “Reset your password” and follow the subsequent instructions.
  • You will receive an email that will allow you to reset your password.
  • You may also use a social login or request a one-time-use authorization code to be sent to your email. If you are registered for an event, please use the same email on your ticket in order to log in. 

Q. I’m having trouble with my FNid. Who should I contact?

A. For tech support, please email

Q. I’m having trouble registering for an event. Who should I contact?

A. For FNregistration support, please email

Q. I’m looking for my “ticket” to an event. Where can I find this?

A. After you registered/reserved your ticket, you should have received an Order Confirmation email and a Ticket email that contained your ticket.

  • If you don’t remember receiving your Order Confirmation or Ticket email, please check your Junk/Spam folder for an email from
  • Alternatively, you can find your ticket in the “My Order/Ticket” page located in the top nav bar after you log in to You will be asked to log in using your FNid, social authorization, or a one-time-use code can be emailed to you. Please be sure to use this email address. 
  • For additional Registration support, please email

Q. I’m looking for my event order. Where can I find this?

A. You can access your order from the Order Confirmation email you received at the address you provided during the registration process.

  • If you having trouble locating your Order Confirmation email, please check your Junk folder for an email from
  • Alternatively, you can find your ticket in the “My Order/Ticket” page located in the top nav bar after you log in to You will be asked to log in using your FNid, social authorization, or a single-use code can be emailed to you. Please be sure to use this email address. 
  • For additional FNregistration support, please email

Q. The event webpage isn’t loading for me. What should I do?

A. First, log out of the website and log back in using your FNid, social authorization, or have a one-time-use authorization emailed to you. (The log out button can be found on the top right of the page.)

  • Next, you may need to clear your cache. Websites often ‘cache’ information so they load faster the next time you visit. This can occasionally cause issues, like a ‘white screen’ or an error code.
  • Disable third party cookie blockers, privacy shields, and/or ad blocking plugins
  • If you are still having trouble, please email and provide the following info: (1) the browser and browser version you are using, (2) what page you’re having trouble with, and (3) the event you are trying to access.

Q. How do I add a session to my agenda or “My Schedule”?

A. Click on “Schedule” in the top navigation bar. 

  • Find the session/event you wish to add to your schedule and click the “+” symbol to the right of the title.
  • You may view sessions or events you have added to your personal schedule by clicking “My Schedule” in the navigation bar.

Q. How do I increase or decrease the text in FNvirtual Event Platform?

A. Open your internet browser. Then…

  • Keystrokes for Mac users: “Command” + “+/-”
  • Keystrokes for PC users: “Alt + View”, then point to the text size you desire (Largest, Larger, Medium (default), Smaller and Smallest)

Q. I’m interested in using FNvirtual for an event. Who should I contact?

A. Please email We’d love to collaborate with you!